The Deeper Path: A Simple Method for Finding Clarity, Mastering Life, and Doing Your Purpose Every Day
Book Excerpt: “Two days of your life stand out far above the rest – the day you were born and the day you discovered why. This book is written for those who desire to answer to the second question and this answer is only found by taking The Deeper Path.”
FIRST-I’m certified to teach and train on this unique and cutting edge coaching model. I’ve been trained personally by the Author Kary Oberbrunner. I will help you move through your Pain. This is not therapy. Imagine strategic group coaching that leads into transformational thinking and action.
Step 1 – Question Your Condition
Step 2 – Unmask Your Painkillers
Step 3 – Explore Your Wound
Step 4 – Overcome Your Excuses
Step 5 – Embody Your Healing
Second – Utilizing a powerful model developed by Author Kary Oberbrunner and his coach Chet Scott – I’ll lead you through a clear process that will equip you to author your OPUS and strengthen your CORE.
I’ve read enough. Sign me up!
OPUS? It’s the Latin word for “work.” It means “masterpiece.” I believe our lives can and should be our Magnum Opus (our “greatest work”). Here’s what I mean:
“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.”
L.P. Jacks
There’s another Latin word for work. It’s the word “LABOR” and it means “toil.”
Sadly, more than 7 out of 10 people are toiling in their jobs. They are laborers (some poorly paid, some highly paid). According to the Gallup Management Journal:
*16% of the U.S. working population is actively disengaged in their jobs.
*55% of the U.S. working population is not engaged in their jobs.
These people are punching the clock. They’ve checked out of their jobs…and many times they’ve checked out of their lives.
Thankfully, 3 out of 10 people (29%) are engaged. Their secret is that they know their OPUS and live out their OPUS.
The Cohort will equip you to author your OPUS:
O = Overarching Vision
P = Purpose
U = Unifying Strategies
S = Scorecard for Significance
The Cohort will strengthen your CORE by helping you clarify your 6 PACK:
1. Worldview = What do I believe?
2. Identity = Who am I?
3. Principles = What do I value?
4. Passion = Who / What do I love?
5. Purpose = Why I live and work?
6. Process = How do I do it?
The Deeper Path Cohort includes:
10 Coaching Hours
1 Deeper Path Workbook (I provide)
1 personal OPUS (You author with my facilitation)
1 personal CORE 6 Pack (You author with my facilitation)
1 Soul on Fire Worksheet (You complete)
The course can be completed as a group, in one-on-one coaching, or self-paced.
OK. No more procrastinating! “How you do anything is how you do everything.”
Contact me at for more information and any questions you might have.