“Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice.” Bob Proctor
What is Life Coaching?
Life Coaching is NOT counseling. It’s also different than consulting or mentoring. However, there is some overlap with all of these.
Confusing? Welcome to the club!
Coaching is about transformation. It’s not about treating some sort of mental disorder. I estimate that 80% of those who seek counseling, actually need a Life Coach.
In none of my psychology training were Life Coaches ever mentioned, even once. I now know why.
It’s because it’s not focused on pathology, it’s focused on the power and potential of each human being.
Transformation happens from the inside out.
How about YOU? Are you ready to transform into who you’ve always known you could be?

If you want tomorrow to be different than yesterday, you’ve got to learn and DO something different.
That’s what growing, developing, and transforming is.
It’s when you as a person decide to develop some of the skills, qualities, abilities, and traits that are available for you.
That book gives you step-by-step help in developing ANY area of your life that needs to be developed.
I help people develop and become everything that they can be and what God wants them to be.
What one trait do you want to change and develop that could make a huge difference in your life?
The main areas of personal growth and development are:
Financial, Mindset, Social/Relationships, Spiritual, and Physical
- Financial (Career, Business, Wealth Building, Passive Income Strategies, Being out of debt, Retirement Strategies)
- Mindset (Being intentional, Positive Self-Image, Focused, Proactive, Emotionally balanced)
- Social (Relationships such as marital, business, family, church)
- Spiritual (Relationship with God, Manifesting the Fruit of the Spirit)
- Physical (Health, Weight loss, Improved Fitness, Nutrition)
With coaching, you can develop any of these areas into excellence and create balance among any and all of them more quickly and effectively than you might have imagined possible, especially compared to trying to do it alone.

Are you coachable? Do you seek a better relationship with God, increased income, improved business success, better health?
If so, coaching is for you.
Not everyone is coachable. Less than 40% of the population are coachable. What about you?
“I believe in the power of DESIRE backed by FAITH, because I have seen this power lift men from lowly beginnings to places of power and wealth; I have seen it rob the grave of its victims; I have seen it serve as the medium by which men staged a comeback after having been defeated in a hundred different ways;”
Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich (p. 38). Kindle Edition.
What is it that gives your life a feeling of meaning and purpose?
What is it that you’d like to be different in your life?
Are you happy with the way your life and business are right now?
Discovering your true meaning and purpose is a process that shouldn’t be rushed. Most people settle for something that isn’t genuinely their true purpose.
What if your purpose is to do what you love? A lot of people think that they have things they love to do, but they aren’t able to earn any money at it.

Many people might leave their occupation because they don’t think there’s any good money in it. For example, some in the medical professions might seem to make a lot of money, but because of the politics of insurance and legal problems, it leaves them struggling.
They might consider leaving a profession that they love.
But, apart from the money, how do you find your purpose?
First, find out what you love to do, then dedicate your life to doing it.

If you wake up every morning and you love what you do and what you’re going to do, then you’re wealthy.
You can earn money at something else.
If spending your days doing what you love to do is your purpose then, that results in getting satisfaction from how you spend your days.
One alternative is to set up multiple sources of income rather than earn money from working. Working is the worst way to earn money.
Consider what Napoleon Hill said many decades ago:
‘If you are one of those who believe that hard work and honesty, alone, will bring riches, perish the thought! It is not true! Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of HARD work! Riches come, if they come at all, in response to definite demands, based upon the application of definite principles, and not by chance or luck.’
Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich (p. 86). Kindle Edition.
It’s a matter of providing service. You can provide service while you sleep, believe it or not.
When you pay attention to what you’re doing, you start to understand the laws governing compensation and growth and you can earn as much money while you’re sleeping as you could ever spend when you’re awake.
The purpose is not to earn money. The purpose is to do something you truly love.
Take some time every day. Every morning when you get up, think about creating your purpose. Write the ideas into a journal or notepad. Ask yourself, “What do I really love doing?”
Write down the things you love to do. How would you like to do it? How would you like to do it all day, every day? How would you like spending your life doing that?
What you hit on, is your purpose.
My purpose statement is: “To help others create a life worth living from the inside out.”
Your purpose is why you get out of bed. It’s why you go to work.
Follow your heart. The money will come in providing service.
Once you do that, you’ll be in your place of power. Start finding what your life work is.
“What one great thing would you do… if you knew you could not fail?” Brian Tracy Share on XNow is the time to get your dream done!
Programs 101
A lot of people talk and write about how our minds are programmed like a computer. Some people call these programs, “paradigms.”
At John Mason Coaching, we’re deeply involved in helping people understand how their programs work and how to change them.
So, what exactly is a program, or a paradigm?
Just like a program in a computer, the program will continue to run the way it was set up, until you do something to change it, or re-program it.
If you ever want to change the program in your mind, you can.
Until then, it keeps cranking out the same results in the same way, day in and day out. That’s what a program does.
These programs/ paradigms run in your unconscious mind and profoundly control your behavior. It runs all of your habitual behavior.
When you really understand how programs work, you’ll understand why otherwise very bright people do irrational things.
Why do some of the brightest and best people stay totally broke?
Ever notice how people with the most advanced degrees have foolish jobs?
Our society has made intellect a type of god. That’s what degrees are all about.
The truth is that the intellect of the conscious mind isn’t what controls our behaviors. Not at all.
We live in a physical body that moves into action. That action produces results that we see every day.
It actually spirals from there; action produces reaction and the reaction creates the circumstances that we find ourselves in life.
What gets our body to act in the first place?
It all begins with the program in our mind.
If we consciously try to over ride the program, it doesn’t turn out how we’d like. The unconscious mind takes over and makes us do it the old way.
If you’re right handed, try eating with your left hand. If you say you’re ambidextrous, try drawing a picture with a pencil in your teeth.
If you don’t like the results you’re getting in your life, you need to understand that any results that are showing up are caused by your actions.
Be a detective and notice what actions lead to the results that you’re seeing.
The action is being caused by an idea in your unconscious mind.
Until you change that unconscious program, nothing will change. No amount of will power will work over time.
Where’d that program come from?
A whole lot of it comes from genetic conditioning. We inherit a good deal from the genes passed down from generations.
Also, as you grew older your unconscious mind was extremely open to the influences of those around you.
This continues for years. Eventually our intellect begins to solidify, but it’s not enough to overcome the programming.
After many years of studying psychology and working with many clients, I’ve discovered key principles and skills that will literally reprogram the unconscious mind.
I’ve used these principles and skills regularly to transform my life and the lives of thousands of my clients.
Your conscious mind has a lot of knowledge and knows what you’d rather do, but it doesn’t control your behavior.
Your unconscious mind has a program that keeps creating the results in your life.
Until you change the paradigm your life will not change.
This is very powerful. Give it some thought.
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and with all your getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7. Share on XThat’s the key. Get understanding of how your programs work, how they’re formed, and how to change them.
When you’ve gotten that, you’ll be in control of your life!
What’s Your Story?
I’ll bet you’ve had a lot of stress in your life, too. Some periods of your life you probably weren’t sure you’d make it out of alive.
I can relate.
According to my parents, I spent the first year of my life in an oxygen tent. As I grew, I struggled with being sick at least nine times per year.
In school I had to contend with bullies (successfully), had a difficult time with reading, and figuring out what it took to get good grades.
When my parents divorced I was 17 years old and it was a critically stressful time for me. But, it was also a time for me to make some decisions that set the course for the rest of my life.
Making a decision about a life direction and a career was tremendously difficult. We didn’t have career counselors in our schools back then and I was interested in EVERYTHING.
When I went through that tough time at 17, I made a crucial decision to follow Jesus Christ completely. That changed everything.
My focus sharpened, I began to realize that God wanted me to go in the direction of being a counselor, good quality friends began showing up in my life, and I had a deeper sense of purpose and meaning than ever before.
Clarifying your vision is all about getting a clear sense of where you want to wind up in the future.
It answers the question of “where” do I want to go or be in the short, medium, and long term.
Knowing your purpose is all about knowing your “why.” What’s the reason that you want to wind up in that place in the future? An even better question is “what is the reason behind your reason?” Ever spend time thinking about that one?
It’s not just about having goals. Goals without solid purpose are empty dreams.
God gave you gifts and a calling when you were born. Your gifts and calling are built into your DNA. They’re at the root of your God-given “why.”
The majority of people never discover their why. That keeps them from being successful at achieving an abundant life.
It took me a long time to figure out my why. A long and difficult time.
If your life isn’t filled with meaning and joy, it may be that you’re lacking a clear sense of purpose and direction. God has been revealing those details to you since you were very young, but it’s sometimes hard to hear God clearly without help.
Believe me, I needed help. Thankfully, God put key people in my path to assist me in clarifying my gifts, calling, and vision that made a crucial difference.
Now, you don’t have to go through such a jagged path as I did, or others do. There are some cool resources to help get you focused and forwarded on your path to success.
In this course I not only teach you how to reduce toxic stress quickly and effectively, but I also teach you how to use stress to increase your success in life.
Do you REALLY know your WHY? If it’s even a little bit unclear then you’ll find the course, “The Deeper Path,” to be profoundly transforming.
In the Deeper Path you’ll crystalize your purpose and develop a clear plan for fulfilling your purpose every day. Want to step up your game? Enter the Deeper Path.
Maybe you’ve been like me and would like to live your passion in the form of a dream job you’ve only fantasized about. In that case, stop procrastinating and take the course, “Day Job to Dream Job.” In this course, I’ll walk you through the process step-by-step. Imagine how much more enjoyable your life will be in as little as 3 to 6 months.
What’s your story?
I’m genuinely interested.
Time to create the chapter in your story that’s been begging to be written.
John Mason
How A Coach Can Help
A relationship with a coach can be one of the most powerful, transformational, and distinct relationships you’ll ever experience. According to the Harvard Business Review, a good coach can help you achieve life-changing results that yield success and significance.
(Denzel Washington) “Don’t just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference…Whatever you want, work hard to get it…In order to achieve your goals you must apply discipline and consistency…Hard work, works. Working really hard is what successful people do.”
"A coach is someone who helps you imagine a greater possibility for yourself and supports you in achieving it." Ajit Nawalkha Share on XTo transform means to, “make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of (something or someone).” Coaching is a significant catalyst for creating lasting transformation.
Real transformation begins inside…with the renewing of your mind.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 Share on XAll coaches essentially guide clients as they work with their inner and outer world to make changes in their mental and physical environment, so they can rise up to their highest potential, reach their goals and consciously design a life of success and happiness. (Ajit Nawalkha)
Because less than 1 in 1000 people have ever been coached, it can be one of the most misunderstood fields. Here are some distinctions between coaching and other experiences:
- Teaching is sharing information.
- Training is sharing skills.
- Mentoring is sharing experience.
- Consulting is sharing advice to get a particular result or solve a problem after looking at analytical data.
- Counseling is sharing therapy. They deal with past life traumas and attempt to create behavioral change by working with past events in a person’s life.
- Coaching borrows from all of the above but is all about sharing transformation.
Counseling vs. Coaching
- Counseling is moving someone from dysfunctionality to functionality.
- Coaching is moving someone from functionality to potentiality.
- Counseling is predominantly focused on the past.
- Coaching is focused on closing the gap between where you are now and who, where, and how you want to be in the future.