What’s It Costing You To Stay Stuck?
stuck is unpleasant. It can also be seductive!
Did you ever think that you might have been seduced into a no-win place in your life? A place called, “Stuck.”
If you’ve been seduced, you might not even think of it as stuck. But, ask yourself if you’re truly living in who you’re designed to be. For most people, the answer is, no.
Where are you stuck in your life? Some people are stuck in a no-win, dead-end job. Some people are stuck in energy draining relationships. Others are stuck with an empty spiritual life; it’s self defeating and without meaning and purpose.
There are a multitude of ways any of us can be stuck. Being stuck means we’re unable to get out of the place we’re in and it’s costing us something.
I’ve known people who are stuck in a job where they make a lot of money. They make so much money, they can’t afford to quit! Many years ago I worked in a grocery warehouse for a grocery chain that paid very well. We had really nice benefits.
(How the Frog Got Unstuck)
When the average person got a job there, they immediately went out and bought a house, a new car, and for some strange reason, a boat. They used the boat once or twice and kept paying on it for the next 30 years.
After a while of working in the warehouse, they hated it. But they were stuck paying off their creditors.
It’s been called, “The Golden Handcuffs.” Being in a job that you’ve convinced yourself is a great job. You make serious money and benefits, but can’t afford to quit. The job I had in the warehouse was as a janitor. I made really good money.
When I decided to go to college, I had several of the warehouse workers call me aside, privately. Each one shared how deeply they envied me for having the guts to quit!
Being stuck in a day job like that can cost you! It can cost you stress. Stress can eat away at your mental state and your health over time. Many of the people I knew who worked in that warehouse and for others like it were dead within two years after retirement. Most of them were less than 70 years old.
Being stuck in an energy draining relationship can cost you by the effects of stress, too. It can also keep you from having joy, fun, and peace. Ironically, the key to getting free in a relationship doesn’t always mean to leave the relationship! A lot of people think that’s the only option. It’s not.
Are you growing spiritually? It’s been said that if you’re not growing spiritually, you’re dying spiritually. Being dead spiritually could cause you to forfeit an abundant life promised by Jesus to those who follow Him.
What would you say is keeping you stuck in your day job? I think most people would have a list of benefits they’d be giving up if they left their rut. One of the first “lost” benefits if they leave the rut is probably comfort.
Being in a stuck rut is comfortable. It seems like “low risk.” The “predictability” of a steady paycheck gives an illusion of stability. In reality, an employer could walk in at any time and give an employee a “pink slip” and tell them to clean out their desk. Companies can fail.
What keeps you from growing and turning relationships into mutually satisfying, dynamic relationships? What keeps you stuck spiritually? Is it the reluctance to give up comfort or predictability?
There’s a cost for getting unstuck. There’s also a cost for staying stuck. What’s it costing you to stay stuck? Someone once said, “It takes guts to leave the ruts.”
The first step is to take action. Even one, small step can make all the difference!
Here’s an opportunity! I’m listing three books by Kary Oberbrunner that can give you traction in being unstuck. Each one is inspirational, informative, and powerful. Check them out:
“Day Job to Dream Job: Practical Steps for Turning Your Passion into a Full-Time Gig”
“Your Secret Name: Discovering Who God Created You to Be”
“The Deeper Path: Five Steps That Let Your Hurts Lead to Your Healing”
You don’t have to go it alone. If you’re like me, having a coach could make all the difference in being free. That’s what coaching is all about. It’s about transformation, fulfillment of purpose, and achieving your goals.
When you’re ready to take it to the next level, drop me an email and we’ll set up a time to customize your plan for freedom. I’m a certified coach in each of Kary’s books.
No more excuses.