Day Job to Dream Job Bootcamp-A New Course!
I’m excited to announce to everyone a new Bootcamp I’m coaching! It’s based on a powerful book by Kary Oberbrunner called, “Day Job to Dream Job: Practical Steps for Turning Your Passion into a Full-Time Gig.”
Consider some serious facts: Day Jobs are killing people*
STRESS = 70% of American workers experience stress-related illnesses.
BURN-OUT = 34% think they will burn out on the job in the next two years.
HEART ATTACKS = The Los Angeles Times reports that there is a 33 percent increase in heart attacks on Monday mornings.
INJURY = Entrepreneur magazine adds that there is a 25 percent increase in work-related injuries on Mondays.
DEATH = According to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people die at nine o’clock Monday morning than at any other time of day or any other day of the week.
SUICIDE = Male suicides are highest on Sunday nights, with men realizing that their careers—and possibly their finances as well—are not where they want them.
* Research from 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller.
Are you like millions of other people squandering their talents and wasting their time in jobs they don’t love? Feeling trapped and dissatisfied, afraid to risk their financial security to pursue their dreams. In reality, anyone can make the leap from day job to dream job–with the right amount of knowledge, encouragement, and guts.
Creating your very own personal Dream Job is easier now than ever before. Consider these facts:
1. MORE ACCESS = If you know the right rules and abide by them, no one is beyond your reach. As Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want.”
2. MORE RESOURCES = If you know where to go, the world is at your fingertips, literally. For example; there are over one million apps available for smartphones. You can have your own TV channel on YouTube. According to Darren Hardy, you are “564 times more likely to succeed than 13 years ago.”
3. MORE CONNECTED = If you can get online, you can run your businesses from anywhere!
4. MORE INCENTIVE= If you don’t have to stay, why would you?
All you have to do is to design your life the way you’d like it and work your career in your spare time.
5. MORE INSTRUCTION = If you read this book, you can plan and implement your escape by following only these nine steps!
1: DESIGN Your Story
Your GPS Dictates Your Destination
2: DESIGN Your Space
Your Experience Reflects Your Values
3: DESIGN Your Service
Choose Your Solution, Then Your Service Style
4: CREATE Your Platform
If You Want to be Heard, You Must be Seen
5: CREATE Your Product
Products Increase Your Influence, Impact, and Income
6: CREATE Your Promotion
Market before You Manufacture
7: MAINTAIN Your Community
Every Dream Needs a Team
8: MAINTAIN Your Clarity
Complexity Kills Clarity. “Clarity Attracts, Confusion Repels.” (Kary Oberbrunner)
9: MAINTAIN Your Credibility
Success Is Found in Singularity. Your Credentials Are Your Results.
Have you thought about creating your dream job? Yes, it’s possible! I’ve met Kary Oberbrunner and he’s living proof that it can be done. His Bootcamp has helped hundreds of others, including me to create their dream jobs.
There are basically THREE ways that you can benefit from this process. One is to buy the book and do it on your own.
The other two are to join the Bootcamp in a group that digs deep and does the work while encouraging one another with regular group coaching; or, to sign up for the Bootcamp and get highly personalized one-on-one coaching.
Find out more=> HERE. Contact me at I’d love to take some time and visit with you to find out which approach would be the best fit for you.