4 Keys To World Domination

“As soon as you reach the other side of the meadow, you can all go to lunch!” yelled the Ropes Coach.
“Ah, man! This is BORING! I’m hungry,” complained the junior high students. They couldn’t believe how stupid this was and how hungry they were.
Fifteen junior high kids were lined up front to back standing on two 4X6, 15 foot long boards. There were holes drilled in the boards with ropes attached that each student could hold.
They were hungry, bored, and as surly as any typical young teen group. All they had to do was walk as a group to the other side of the field, about 50 yards, and they could run to the cafeteria and chow down in hedonistic delight.
They were clearly offended by being assigned such a simple, demeaning task. Little did they know they were learning the 4 keys to world domination!
“ONE…TWO…THREE…GO!” bellowed the Ropes Coach and then blew his whistle.
WHAMP! All of the students fell to the left instantly. They grumbled and complained about how stupid everyone else was as they scraped themselves off the lawn back into position.
The Ropes Coach repeated the offer, “OK. It’s really simple. As soon as you get to the other side, you go to lunch. Let’s try again. ONE, TWO, THREE…GO!” He blew the whistle again.
WAM! They fell quickly to the right side this time. Each one yelled at the other and pointed out how clearly this was everyone else’s fault as they struggled to regain their standing position.
I watched this process for 45 minutes before the group finally took one, successful step.
A group of two or more people working together “As One,” who are of the same mind, moving in the same direction, at the same time is a force to be reckoned with. Share on XThe process was fascinating. They were not allowed to give up regardless of how long it would take.
At first, there was the astonishment of complete, unexpected failure. There was the blaming and cursing each other to hell for their incompetence.
Gradually, voices emerged trying to suggest solutions to the problem.
After about 40 minutes someone in the group suggested they all move the same leg at the same time. Brilliant! However, they didn’t say which leg. WAM!
Someone had a lightbulb come on! “OK, this time we only move the left leg.” Everyone agreed.
When the Ropes Coach blew the next whistle, they took their FIRST successful, group step! It was a thing to behold!
They automatically went for the right leg next, stumbled and fell.
But, by taking that one step, the mission was accomplished. They were set to launch, and sent to lunch.
There are 4 keys that they used to be successful. If the same 4 keys could be used for a group of junior high students to take one step, the could be used for world domination.
The 4 Keys:
That event happened over 30 years ago. Obviously, it made an impression on me.
It illustrated how vitally important vision, communication, cooperation, and synchronization are to any group’s success.
They are the keys to a group such as any marriage, family, business, church, political party, or any other group structure being successful.
Working together “As One” is formidably powerful. It can be powerful for either good or evil.
When the Lord came down to see the city and the tower (of Babel) which the children of man had built, He said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” Genesis 11:6.
God confused their language to keep them from working together because their shared goal was evil.
Most marriages, businesses, churches, and political causes fail for the lack of quality in any one or combination of these key ingredients. If you’re not with each other, then you’re against each other.
Vision-The group must have the same image in each mind of the intended outcome for the group. The extent to which any group member’s vision is different is the extent to which the group effectiveness will be weakened.
In the experience of the junior high students, their vision had to be about simply moving the left foot in sync with the others. Getting to the other side of the field was too complex.
Maybe the vision to focus on is the next, most important step for your business, marriage, family, church, or other organization.
“And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” Genesis 11:6 Share on XCommunication-Rather than cursing the other members of the group to hell, focus on communicating one, simple thought that will move the group forward one step. Make sure you communicate which leg to move first.
Any ambiguity in communication can result in a “Wamp,” or a, “Wham.” Be clear in your communication.
Cooperation-Cooperating means to work WITH a leader and the other members of the group, rather than against them. Know where you fit in and do your part rather than being in a power struggle with the leader or other members.
That doesn’t just apply to businesses, churches, and politics. It applies to marriages and families, too.
Synchronization-The core part of the word, “synchronize,” is the word, “chronos.”. It’s from the Greek and basically refers to time or timing.
In this case it means working on the same thing in the same direction at the same time.
A group of two or more people working together “As One,” who are of the same mind, moving in the same direction, at the same time is a force to be reckoned with. In most cases, they’re undefeatable.
“And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” Or, you, or your group.
What is the central vision for your group, marriage, family, church, or political organization?
- Is everyone aware of the same vision?
- How is your communication?
- Are you blaming, or do you communicate clearly about what you want instead?
- How well are the members of the group cooperating with the vision and the one step? Who needs help?
- How’s your synchronization coming?
Let me know how it goes.
John Mason